• My Journey Home — Part 2

    I moved around a lot as a kid; I always had to make new friends wherever I went. Our family was close, not because we necessarily liked each other, but because we didn’t have a choice. For a long while, home was with my family. Then, one day, as a fresh 18-year-old, I stood outside…

  • Golang is evil on shitty networks

    This adventure starts with git-lfs. It was a normal day and I added a 500 MB binary asset to my server templates. When I went to push it, I found it interesting that git-lfs was uploading at 50KB per second. Being that I had a bit of free time that I’d much rather be spending…

  • Algorithms in PHP: Deques (circular buffers & linked lists)

    In the previous post, I talked about priority queues. But in my explanation of an alternative implementation, I neglected to mention a few things: The alternative implementation isn’t for production; there are edge cases and unhandled errors. The alternative implementation is meant for a short queue, not an infinite one, such as the one you…

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